Active validators

KIRA testnet

Project address:
KIRA is a decentralized network, secured by both cryptocurrencies and real world assets at stake, thanks to its proprietary Multi-Bonded-Proof-of-Stake (MBPoS) consensus mechanism. Positioned within the Interchain and Web3 ecosystems KIRA makes it safer and easier to gain access to decentralized financial applications and unlock the full economic potential of your capital to generate yield.

Validator moniker: Ryuk

Public RPC address:
KIRA Network's name was inspired by the Death Note anime, continuing with the theme started by Founders - Ryuk (a Shinigami God) validator node was developed.

Ryuk is a project of minimal installation needed to run a working node. It was achieved with detailed code inspection of KIRA Manager, reverse engineer techniques, enhanced by custom metrics to keep an eye on node health and easy to use commands for software management.

Ryuk in current testnet is deployed on custom, dedicated machine.